
* If there is a worm in the stomach of the baby, then the bitter taste of the basal bark worms out.

* Those who have asthma tend to dry the basal leaves, the leaves are rubbed with cumin and cigarettes, and smoking with it helps ease the breathing.

* Those who have a sweaty odor, if they smell the residual leaf juice, the odor will be removed.

* Mixing the juice of the bushes and the sugar regularly will make the color fade.

* After three or four hours soaking in a boiling water, the water becomes pure after soaking it for three to four hours. Then you can use.

* Drinking leaf juice regularly helps relieve itching disorders.

* The juice of the basal leaves goes to the lid of the plant.

* Jaundice is best if the basal leaves or flower juice are served with one or two teaspoons of honey or sugar.

* If there is a ringworm in the body, it is better to apply residue leaf juice.

Other Benefits:

Basak leaves are used as a green food and yellow color is obtained from the leaves. The residue leaves contain some alkaline substances that are used for packing and storing the fruit as it does not produce fungi and does not catch insects. Pagura does not give a face as there is some foul odor in the leaves. That is why Basak leaves are particularly useful for the cultivation of land.


Oilseed is a type of herbal plant. Locally in Bangladesh it is called 'Kuchila', Tela, Telakachu, Telachi, Telachora Kelakachu, Telachacha Bimbi, etc. In many regions it is consumed as a vegetable. The leaves, shrubs, roots and fruits are used for the medicinal use of the plant. This is a weed plant. It is a mature perennial plant with soft leaves and buds of dark green color. With the help of Akashi climb up another tree with the help of a tree. The pentagon-shaped leaves are green, the leaves and clusters green. Its fruits and shrimp are used as food. The oil contains a lot of beta-carotene.

Medicinal properties:

The oil is the result of 'mast cell stabilizing', 'anaphylactic-resistant' and 'antihistamine' ingredients. Oil is used in many diseases, such as leprosy, fever, diabetes, edema, asthma, bronchitis and jaundice.


Kalamagh is an herbal plant. 3 cm The color of the long flower is pink. Two and a half cm The tall fruit looks a lot like shrubbery. All the parts of the Kalameg tree, except the roots, are used for medicinal purposes. Kalmegh is extremely bitter and nutritious. Increases the immune system of the human body. Kalmegh is very useful in fever, worms, gums, general bodily weakness and wind.

Cholera is beneficial in children's liver and digestive problems. Potato leaf is a home-grown medicine in West Bengal that is given to children with stomach upset. Calamine is active in typhoid diseases and organisms. There was a common belief that the black snake bite was very beneficial. It has been found that the word is wrong. At some point, the Kalamegha tree is dipped in mustard oil and planted in a haircut. The juice of the leaves of the tree serves as an antidote to constipation and liver disease.

Calamine leaves are used to treat fever, worms, indigestion, liver and other diseases. If constipation, leaf juice is mixed with honey. The indigenous people of Chittagong Hill Tracts have been using it since ancient times for indigestion and liver problems in children. The juice of the tree also acts as a blood cleanser, stomach and liver, and as a laxative. Once the leaves of this tree were sewed and planted on the wound, the tribal people believe that the disease is cured.


Medicinal properties:

The use of Arjuna as a medicinal herb in herbs. And in the Veda Samhita. As the days go by, the beneficial aspects of Arjuna are being developed.